BAKINGJADES Vanilla Extract 250ml
BAKINGJADES Vanilla Extract 250ml
My handmade vanilla extract is crafted with care from the finest vanilla beans from Madagascar, With its rich, sweet, and aromatic flavor, it’s perfect for enhancing your favorite recipes. I use it with all my recipes as well.
More About Vanilla extract:
Vanilla extract is a popular flavoring made from vanilla orchid beans, primarily Vanilla planifolia. Known for its sweet and aromatic taste, it’s widely used in baking and cooking.
Key Points
Flavor: Sweet, warm, and creamy with floral notes.
Pure Vanilla Extract: Made from real vanilla beans and alcohol.
Baking: Enhances cakes, cookies, and desserts.
Cooking: Adds depth to savory dishes and sauces.
Beverages: Used in cocktails, coffee, and smoothies.
Shelf Life: Lasts for years if stored in a cool, dark place. (5 Years & More)
Tips: Keep tightly sealed to maintain flavor.
Vanilla extract is a versatile ingredient that enhances a variety of dishes, making it a kitchen essential.